Sonia Pearl
Sonia Tarantour Pearl (1938-2013)
"Sonia (A.O.C.A.D., O.S.A., F.O.W.S., C.S.P.W.C.) was an award winning artist. She was an associate of The Ontario College of Art and Design, The Ontario Society of Artists, a Fellow of the Ottawa Watercolour Society and a member of The Canadian Society of Painters in Watercolour. She has exhibited nationally and internationally. Her Works are held in private
and corporate collections, including the Government of Canada, the Government of Ontario, the City of Ottawa, Saskatoon Gallery and Conservatory, Shell Canada, and Carleton University. Her interpretation of landscapes focus on experimentation, process and transition."
Source: Ottawa Watercolour Society News June 2013, p.3 https://www.owswatercolour.com/uploads/1/1/4/7/11471086/ows_jun_2013.pdf
See also: https://app.pch.gc.ca/application/aac-aic/artiste_detailler_bas-artist_detail_bas.app?rID=12785&fID=2&lang=en&qlang=en&pID=814&ps=50&sort=AM_ASC#wb-cont
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