Bertrand Dorny
Bertrand Dorny (1931-2015)
"Bertrand Dorny is a French artist, painter, engraver and graphic designer, born in Paris on July 2, 1931.
He worked at the workshop of André Lhote and Johnny Friedlaender. He built his work by deriving accepted techniques such as engraving, collage or folding paper to achieve a personal style. He thus elaborates with great care the artists' books, or book-collages, an artistic form of which he is one of the most prolific representatives. Many poets including Charles Juliet have lent their words to his works.
He taught at the Ecole de la Grande Chaumiere and the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris. He also collaborated on the second issue of the Osmose collection (limited edition art books) created in 1979 by Daniel Lacotte, a collection that combined the original work of a painter with that of a poet.
The themes of the walk, the progressing path, the network of forms in space are at the center of his work. "What's the use of adding paint to painting ... We are always in a labyrinth, we look for the exit playing to avoid anxiety, and this game needs milestones to be lived as a walk ".
He died on June 19, 2015, in Paris."
Source: Le Coin des Arts https://www.lecoindesarts.com/en/artist_dorny-bertrand_19#:~:text=Bertrand%20Dorny%20is%20a%20French,to%20achieve%20a%20personal%20style.
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